This kills good and bad bacteria, apparently. So if a person takes it, they're not supposed to stop taking probiotics. The side effects, known as detox, can be harsh. In addition to my probiotics, I took a multivitamin, cranberry and astragulus root(an immunity booster). According to the articles I've read, if you don't replenish your "good flora", you risk your candida/yeast doing the opposite on Candida Clear, and it will become even worse.My infection was over by the third day. Apparently, people should keep taking it for a while after because, if a person stops, the detox effect might be prolonged or repeated. Detox symptoms were: jitters, shortness of breath - one of my lungs felt swollen or something. I was hot and felt woozy and couldn't concentrate, so I started taking these things at night so that I'd wake up clear headed. Although I woke up and still felt a groggy, but on by the fourth day, it seemed like the detox just stopped. I had no side effects at that point and was taking it and feeling completely normal.Update:I've since weened myself completely off. I was experiencing pelvic inflammation, and that's the sign of overkill, according to some articles. Apparently pau darco kills cancer cells, with victims of stomach cancer experiencing complete remissions after drinking it - due to direct contact. However, pau darco and garlic and black walnut kills good and bad bacteria. Once I stopped taking it, inflammation immediately disappeared and I'm still candida free, or candida low I guess.Update:Although I've been okay, there were still yeast occurrences whenever I had too much sugar, so I tried the so called vitamin c cleanse, taking 2 1000 mgs every hour, totally 10 - 12 grams per day. However, it is really an adcorbic acid cleanse. Some say they are the same, but they are not. Basically, it is straight ascorbic acid for a couple bucks at Walmart - no bio/flavinoids/rose hips, etc. It should say ascorbic acid on the label. One can do vitamin c, if one likes, but excess vitamin c has no benefit, apparently. It cannot be taken long term, like straight ascorbic acid.This cleanse worked. Ive been free of all my problems. I even eat cake again, though I dont get carried away or anything. I take 1000mgs of ascorbic acid evry day as a follow up. I dont take anything else, except a multivitamin, thank goodness. All those vitamins I was taking was driving me crazy. Its now 2016 and ive had no reoccurences.Tons of articles about vitamin c and ascorbic acid cleanses.