Bone Broth - yes, it really works
Bone Broth science
It's not an old-wives tale, nor a mere comfort for those feeling ill. Read on.
According to several scientific studies, the answer is yes. Broth is be more than just a cold comfort or folklore.
These Studies show that chicken broth (soup) helped the body’s immune system to fight a variety of attacks.
Dr Stephen Rennard, of the University of Nebraska Medical Center, was curious about his wife’s chicken soup ( family recipe handed down), he wanted to know why it was so effective.
He took blood samples from volunteers, and noticed that the soup stopped the movement of the most common type of white blood cell (neutrophils), an infection fighter.
Chicken Soup
He suggested that by stopping the spread of these infection-fighting cells in the body, chicken soup helps reduce cold symptoms in our upper respiratory system.
Cold symptoms are a response to the build-up of these cells in the bronchial tubes of our lungs. The amino acid cysteine, is released from chicken bones during boiling.
The drug, acetylcysteine, made to inhibit the inflammatory response ( for bronchitis patients) is chemically similar to cysteine.
Nutrient rich
Broth Soups are recommended also due to the nutrients being more easily absorbed.
Some people suggest adding olive oil which aids the absorption of fat soluble vitamins (A, K, D and E). Traditional Chinese meals often feature a light soup made from bone broth and vegetables to cleanse the palate and help with digestion.
Evidence suggests that organosulfides (naturally occurring chemicals found in garlic and onions), together with Vitamin D, stimulate production of immune cells called macrophage, while Vitamin C has an influence on both levels of neutrophils, and another type of immune chemical, interferon. We love Vitamin C.
Vitamin A and Carotenoids (carrots) stimulate antibody production, and Vitamin E and Zinc can influence the concentration of lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell.
Bone is also mineral central, the list includes:
- Magnesium
- Copper
- Manganese
- Phosphorus
- Potassium
- Sodium
- Zinc
- Iron
- Calcium
Gut health and probiotic
The University of Medicine and Dentistry (New Jersey) discovered probiotics helped reduce the duration of a cold and intensity of symptoms. Students at the university taking the probiotics took less time off and reported a 34 % reduction in symptoms as well as colds lasting 2 days less.
Many of us reject buying mass-produced, commercially-processed “food products” made by large corporations, which add toxic chemicals. We are more interested in healthy organically-grown food that our grandparents grew up on.
Make your own
You can make bone broth at home using (grass-fed if possible) beef bones or chicken bones. Many healthy diet plans include bone broth recipes.
Benefits of homemade bone broth include :
- gut health,
- immune system boost,
- hair, nails, skin
- helps with reducing joint pain and arthritis.
Collagen and Gelatin
The key ingredients in bone broth that contribute are the collagen and gelatin that are released from the bones during the cooking/boiling process. Collagen and gelatin are from the same sources, they are identical amino acid structures. These amino acids found in gelatin and collagen are anti-inflammatory, thus beneficial for supporting overall health.
If you don't have the time, for the slow-cook, you can buy bone broth.
But we still recommend you make your own. Fall is here.
Wait for a nice cool night and get cooking.
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