Sugar Alternatives - Top choices
Sugar. Yes, it’s bad for you. Latest research confirms it.
- Your immune function can be affected by sugar
- Sugar accelerates aging
- Sugar takes the place of important nutrients
- Sugar causes glucose levels to spike and plummet
Sugars are all too easy to overconsume. especially treacherous are sugars in liquid form. You can drink and drink and drink mass quantities of them.. fruit juices aren’t any healthier. In fact, they can be even worse.Studies have linked it to obesity, heart disease, cancer, and impaired brain function, it’s a bit of a poison.
Cutting Added Sugar is a must. But...Sugar is in everything.
Sugar today has a sinister source. The majority of processed sugar comes from genetically modified beets and GMO corn.
Consuming too much sugar Especially “hidden” kinds in foods from cereals to “health bars” actually depletes us. These empty carbs that are nutrient-poor, use vitamins and mineral reserves to metabolize themselves without any benefit.
Artificial sweeteners, like aspartame, sucralose, and saccharin must be avoided due to health concerns, like a possible risk of cancer.
Healthy Sweet supplying alternatives
Maple syrup
Harvested sap of maple trees, which is then boiled down and filtered
Maple syrup contains up to 24 different antioxidants.
100 percent pure organic maple syrup. Look for grade B or even grade C that is USDA-certified organic.
Maple syrup is made from the sugary circulating fluid (sap) of maple trees.
It has been consumed for many centuries in North America. It is mostly produced in Canada
make sure to get actual maple syrup, not just maple-flavored syrup... which can be loaded with refined sugar or high fructose corn syrup
Agave Syrup/Nectar
Sap from the leaves of the blue agave plant, which is boiled down.
It's commercially produced from several species of agave, including Agave tequilana (blue agave)
It’s very sweet, so you don’t need as much as sugar. A little goes a long way. Agave syrup is not recommended for people with fructose intolerance
Made by bees, flower nectar stored in honeycombs.
gar, raw honey remains is rich in nutrients, with almost no processing being necessary.
So, raw, organic, local honey as the ideal natural sweetener.
Our # 1 pick. We know the many health benefits of raw honey, so you really want to make sure it says raw on the label. Ideally, get it from a local source, you’ve really got to buy the raw stuff if you want the real deal. It pays to get the healthy kind.
The leaves of the warm-climate stevia rebaudiana plant
It’s natural, and has no carbs or calories, and doesn’t raise blood sugar. It’s available as both dried leaves and processed powders ( Don’t be fooled by Truvia - a processed sugar substitute using only selective active ingredients from the plant, along with additives.)
There are many types of stevia. If you can, get full, green leaf stevia. Some Pure Stevia extracts are also available.
Dates are pure. Dates grow on trees called "date palms". They are healthy and have high potassium and antioxidant content — more antioxidants than nearly a dozen other popular sweeteners. Dates are a fantastic sweetener.
Dates have been shown to decrease cholesterol, boost energy, among other health benefits like constipation relief.
Date paste is an easy sugar alternative you can make at home in a blender using water and about one cup of warm, pitted dates.
Monkfruit (Lo Han)
Monkfruit has been used in China for centuries for obesity and diabetes, is rich in antioxidants, and zero calories.
It's 150-200 times sweeter than sugar, so it’s good for cutting calories
A byproduct of the sugar-cane refining process. Molasses varies by amount of sugar, method of extraction, and age of plant
It’s rich in all the nutrients extracted from sugar during the refining process, for example iron, copper, magnesium, zinc, calcium, and potassium. Blackstrap molasses, from the last press in the process, is particularly rich in minerals and often recommended as a great vegan source of iron.
Molasses is perhaps the most nutrient dense of all sweeteners.
Use these natural sugar substitutes, and you’re going to be a lot healthier while satisfying your sweet tooth. Start today.
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